Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Announcing the Second Annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week September 14-18, 2009

Last year over 400 blogs came together to celebrate the art of book blogging during the first ever Book Blogger Appreciation Week! I am so pleased to announce that the second annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week will be taking place September 14-18.

WHO Anyone who blogs about books is invited to participate. In fact, we want everyone who blogs about books and reading to be a part of this week!
WHAT A week where we come together, celebrate the contribution and hard work of book bloggers in promoting a culture of literacy, connecting readers to books and authors, and recogonizing the best among us with the Second Annual BBAW Awards. There will be special guest posts, daily blogging themes, and giveaways.
WHEN September 14-18, 2009
WHERE Here at the new Book Blogger Appreciation Week Blog! (Please note that this year there are three separate blogs and feeds—one for the main event, one for giveaways, and one for awards.)
WHY Because books matter. In a world full of options, the people talking about books pour hard work, time, energy, and money into creating a community around the written word. I, Amy, the founder of Book Blogger Appreciation Week love this community of bloggers and want to shower my appreciation on you!

For further information visits :


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Nickel and Dime

Barbara Ehrenreich wanted to study how people in America who earn less than USD 10 per hour manage their live and what she decided to do? To be (or act) as one of them. This book summarizes her experience working at the following places:

a) Work as a restaurant server in Florida

b) Work as house cleaner in Maine

c) Work with WALMART in Minnesota

She did challenge herself to live within a limited budget on food, rent and entertainment. Most of the time she has to do extra works during weekend to earn extra cash. What she did discover was to survive in this category (low income earner) it requires exhausting mental/physical efforts.



Latest addition (90 fictions from Payless Warehouse)
(10 non fictions from Boosk Xcess @ Amcorp Mall)